Ahh... it is a lovely day here in sunny Denver Colorado. The grass is greening and my little friends the squirrels are out. As the weather gets warmer I enjoy getting out more and working the neighborhoods. Lately I have spent a lot of time in the Upper Larimer Arts District, which is a gritty urban neighborhood. You wouldn't think spring time would make much difference amongst all of those warehouse buildings- but there are unexpected little pleasures. I see the trees beginning to leaf out which should beckon my squirrel friends to join me and I see small patches of green with unexpected plots of flowers here and there. They are worth stopping for a quick sniff and sometimes I enjoy a quick roll in them, too. I don't know why my colleagues don't indulge in these fantastic rites of Spring time. I also note many of my breathern walking around the hood, making it a challenge to keep my own territory marked.
Actually, you wouldn't believe how many people are out in this neighborhood. They bike, they walk their dogs, they chase the "lucky ones" who have made their escape from the yard and they talk a great deal about art, and beer at the Walnut Room and eating at the Blake Street Tavern. Clearly eating and drinking is as important to humans as it is to dogs despite all the fuss they make over the dogs. My colleagues often engage the people in conversation about the lovely townhomes we have for sale, their stunning views, and of course those gourmet kitchens and rooftop grills where of course we dogs will want to spend a great deal of time offering our assistance. I myself have rarely been up to those rooftop decks as I am a little small to take chances; however, they held me up to see the dizzying view of downtown and the mountains. I don't mind saying that I am glad the walls around the deck are as high as they are.
Well I should invite all of you- dogs and humans alike to a beer tasting event at thees townhomes on May 22nd from 6pm to 10pm. My human colleagues are going to a great deal of trouble to provide some local beers and some tasty snax for their guests. I will provide some treats for any of my breathern that wish to attend and perhaps we can swipe a nibble from the humans as well. So join us at 3403 Larimer for some fun times. I smell some good deals happening there. OKay-
ADios amigos until the next time.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A dog's life

Thanks for the articles, have book marked them and will definitely be taking forward some of their advice. Thanks again! I’ll be back for more tips next week!
Garage Door Installation
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