Vacation Homes
Cygnus has connections in Summit and Eagle County real estate to help you find the best vacation property. There is no need to leave the city to start your search today. Contact a Cygnus realtor today ...
City Life
Learn about Denver's neighborhoods and our vibrant city life. Browse our real estate resource guide for newly developed lofts and townhomes for sale in the Denver metro area. We have included LoDo lofts, Ballpark lofts, RiNo lofts, Central Platte Valley lofts, Curtis Park lofts, Golden Triangle lofts, LoHi Lofts, Wash Park townhouses, Jefferson Park townhouses, Capitol Hill condos and Uptown condos ...
Relocating To Denver
Moving from one place to another can be a challenge so don't do it alone. We can help you with a number of specialized services which will cater to you and your family. We are committed to ensure each family finds the right location and is happily settled in their new home. Let us help with your relocation tasks ...
Relocating To Traverse City
Moving from one place to another can be a challenge so don't do it alone. We can help you with a number of specialized services which will cater to you and your family. We are committed to ensure each family finds the right location and is happily settled in their new home. Let us help with your relocation tasks ...
Wondering About The Real Estate Market
Whether you are just looking for real estate advise or in the market to buy or sell a Denver home, we can help you. If you are wanting to sell your primary residence, buy a vacation home, invest in real estate or find a retail space, our professional real estate brokers will assist you with personal and friendly service.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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Thursday, April 23, 2009
A dog's life

Ahh... it is a lovely day here in sunny Denver Colorado. The grass is greening and my little friends the squirrels are out. As the weather gets warmer I enjoy getting out more and working the neighborhoods. Lately I have spent a lot of time in the Upper Larimer Arts District, which is a gritty urban neighborhood. You wouldn't think spring time would make much difference amongst all of those warehouse buildings- but there are unexpected little pleasures. I see the trees beginning to leaf out which should beckon my squirrel friends to join me and I see small patches of green with unexpected plots of flowers here and there. They are worth stopping for a quick sniff and sometimes I enjoy a quick roll in them, too. I don't know why my colleagues don't indulge in these fantastic rites of Spring time. I also note many of my breathern walking around the hood, making it a challenge to keep my own territory marked.
Actually, you wouldn't believe how many people are out in this neighborhood. They bike, they walk their dogs, they chase the "lucky ones" who have made their escape from the yard and they talk a great deal about art, and beer at the Walnut Room and eating at the Blake Street Tavern. Clearly eating and drinking is as important to humans as it is to dogs despite all the fuss they make over the dogs. My colleagues often engage the people in conversation about the lovely townhomes we have for sale, their stunning views, and of course those gourmet kitchens and rooftop grills where of course we dogs will want to spend a great deal of time offering our assistance. I myself have rarely been up to those rooftop decks as I am a little small to take chances; however, they held me up to see the dizzying view of downtown and the mountains. I don't mind saying that I am glad the walls around the deck are as high as they are.
Well I should invite all of you- dogs and humans alike to a beer tasting event at thees townhomes on May 22nd from 6pm to 10pm. My human colleagues are going to a great deal of trouble to provide some local beers and some tasty snax for their guests. I will provide some treats for any of my breathern that wish to attend and perhaps we can swipe a nibble from the humans as well. So join us at 3403 Larimer for some fun times. I smell some good deals happening there. OKay-
ADios amigos until the next time.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Spring time In The Rockies

For the Colorado climate one is well advised to wear layers- things that can be shed as the weather warms and slipped back on with the inevitable cooling off that will follow, particularly as the sun sets. In the case of real estate, it is wise for all of us realtors, buyers and sellers alike to pause and at the very least re-adjust our thinking if not being actually prepared to shed some of our preconceived notions formed from "how the market used to be." It is a whole different market than the one we knew just 3 or 4 years ago.
We are still laboring under a very clear and present lending crisis. It is difficult for even well qualified buyers with substantial down payments to get loans and it is virtually impossible to get loans for condominiums. The lending market appears to have turned its back on condominiums. If the condo that you or your buyer have your eye on is not in a project that is at least 70% sold there will be no fannie mae approval. And what you ask does that mean? Well it means that your lender cannot send a loan package through automated underwriting and will likely have a very difficult time selling the loan- hence they won't make the loan. However, there are still a few options if you look hard enough or work with a savvy city realtor. If the project is at least 51% owner occupied and the HOAs look good a buyer may be able to get an FHA loan, through a process known as spot approval for a purchase price of $417,000. or less. And if that isn't a possibility there are things called portfolio loans that allow a buyer to obtain a loan for a few years until such time as the market corrects itself. These loans are made by banks, typically smaller state chartered banks and they do not sell the loan, instead holding it in their portfolio. Knowing where and how to find some of these products will allow condo buyers to purchase property and take advantage of some really great opportunities that prevail in this market place.
Yes I did say opportunities. Many brand new condos have not been able to sell because of these very lending practices and so developers are a bit more motivated not only to sell but to help the buyer obtain their loan and get to the closing table. Now this is the part where I say be prepared to slip some of those old notions back on...there is a point beyond which a seller can not or will not go. If a deal seems unbelievable- it probably isn't real; there is probably something that you don't know or are missing so as always, "caveat emptor" (latin for buyer beware).
If you get to the point of making an offer and you have your financing figured out- at least in theory- there are some things you should consider. When dealing with a developer of a new project know that often times the developer is not the only one negotiating. It may be that the developer's lender is directly involved in the release prices- that is the number at which the bank is willing to make a partial release of the construction/acquisition loan enabling the developer to provide you with a clear title. The developer is still there to try to make money or at the very least to escape without losing money.
When making an offer on any property whether it be a private party seller or a developer remember that nothing counts unless it is in writing and signed by all parties. Don't ask your realtor to field verbal offers- they don't mean anything anyway. Your realtor is there to help you and if you have chosen wisely your realtor has likely been through many many closings, even in this market so trust them. If you don't value the realtor's opinion then get another realtor. And last but not least, when negotiating remember what our mamas always told us, "you get farther with honey than you do with vinegar." All negotiaitions are contentious- the mark of a good negotiaition is when both parties feel like they had to give a bit more than they wanted to, but that doesn't mean it has to be personal or ugly. Placating a seller who is accepting a lesser price costs the buyer nothing and can make a big difference throughout the transaction.
Contemplating a condo? Need city realtors? Call us or email
Friday, April 17, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
DBR Mixer

Monday, April 13, 2009
Beer Tasting Event

Since our wine tasting event was so wildly popular, we have decided to have beer tasting event this May 22 to kick off Memorial weekend. We will be sending out invitations soon. The event is expected to be a big one and limited to the public. To be added to our guest list please request an invitation to Beer Invite
After the Denver Art Festival closes down Friday evening head on up to The Residences at Upper Larimer for a free beer tasting event. There will be food, beverages and local microbrews. The Residences at Upper Larimer is in the heart of the RiNo art district. We will have local artists on exhibit. Don't miss it!