Spring spring spring is finally here! I can't wait to see what kinds of plants and trees are in our back yard. We moved in January and our backyard was "under construction". Literally. Let me back up. Our house was built in 1904 and was set to be demolished last year. In order to be saved it had to be moved. The search was on for some land when an interesting property showed up. It was a double lot with a house already existing on it. So the property was purchased and divided in let's say two to make it easy. Our house was moved, and if you will, imagine the mess Dorothy's house made when it landed. We haven't found a wicked witch yet, but Dylan is furiosly digging around for one. The amount of work, trucks, machinery, and tools it took was incredible. And fortunately not as destructive as it could have been. What it did leave us are some trees, a few bushes, some iris's and a mystery red flower that has sprouted up in random areas of the yard. Did I mention grass? No, because instead we have lots and lots of dirt and debris, including half buried construction material and plenty of rocks. Sod is going in the first week of April hopefully (weather permitting). I sure won't miss the ever present and ever changing pattern of Dylan paw prints all over the hardwood floors.
It sure is tough designing landscaping. I feel a bit overwhelmed. Especially when we walk the neighborhood. Some of our favorite streets include Hooker between 24th and 20th, most of Julian from 20th to 28th, and Java. Well really, there are too many beautiful homes to designate. Not only am I excited about what our yard will turn up, I'm equally excited about everyone elses. There are tons of trees here, and the front yards are spilling over with everything from riverstone to bark, fountains to gargoyles and lions, flowers to grasses to herbs.
I haven't really had a yard since I was a wee one. When I was about twelve I dug out a section of our back yard and planted a vegetable and herb garden. It was expertly done and quite successful. Why is it that when you're a kid you know how to do it all?
Dylan and I agree that it's already time for a beer. We will be going to Meade St. to enjoy one of my favorite beers, O'Dells IPA on tap. (Now if you are a well behaved dog this is the place to see and be seen.) We usually order potato wedges (spicy is the best) with a ranch or chipotle sauce for dip. To die for. My next favorite dish: fish and chips. The fish is dipped in a Guiness batter which makes it stand out from the run of the mill pub standard. There's a good selection of sandwiches and salads, but I prefer the entres which include a few Mexican style items and a fabulous seared Ahi. Meade St. is a local favorite no matter what you're in the mood for and is usually pretty busy, giving it a fun bustle-y atmosphere. Yes, they do have live music some evenings...I don't know the schedule.
I just wanted to mention one more thing today. My girlfriend and I went out of town this weekend and left our boy in the trusting hands of Kim with Wag-on Wheels. When Dylan came home from his holiday he was calm, happy and unscathed. These folks know and LOVE animals. If you need a sitter for the day or an increment of the day, or perhaps a weekend, be sure to look them up to find out what all they offer and discover how affordable it is.
Until next time...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Dylan on a witch hunt

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